Monday, January 31, 2011

How To Survive The Worst Day Of Your Life: Part 1

Let's be honest, bad days suck. Yet, we are all plagued by the presence of the things and feelings we hate most; those little insecurities that just seem to get to us. I know some of you "don't have bad days." I love you people. (Not sarcastic, I really do). I admire your "glass is always half-full attitude" and the way that your bad days aren't technically 'bad' but rather, just "not as great as the rest." For me personally, if I'm gonna have a bad day, all hell is going to break loose.

So... I have decided to make a list of things to do that may help turn a crappy day into a spectacular day. This will be the first of a series, because they will be longer than my other posts. I will share some facts to back each suggestion up, as well as a few personal experiences that will serve as a testimony to the matter. Although this is partially for my personal benefit, maybe at least one of you will find a way to turn that frown upside down, and my goal will have been accomplished!


A famous blond once legally said, "Exercising creates endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people don't shoot their husbands. They just don't!"

While I am not implying that you may be planning to shoot a husband, I want to focus on that "endorphins make you happy" part. I know I know- when one is having a bad day, the last thing on one's mind is to get up and run 20 miles. Bad days should be spent sitting on your lazy bottom, stuffing your face with food, and watching terribly depressing TV shows that you can somehow relate to your "pathetic life." Well, mope around no more my friends! It's time to get up and work out!

Personal Experience #1.

Have any of you taken anatomy? I have never cursed more in my life than when I was in that class. I have never worked harder for a grade... EVER! So I spent a whole semester basically friendless, dateless, fun-less, etc. just to pass this beast of a class. My professor waited until the last possible second to post our grades and I ended up waking up one morning on the beautiful beach of Hawaii to find that my grade was just unacceptable. I allowed myself a contribution of $5 to the swear jar (accidentally turned into $8). I put on my angriest music (to be addressed later) and went for a run. A long long long run. I pictured my professor's head under every footstep. About a half-hour into the run, I was smiling. He probably woke up feeling like he was hit by a bus... and for that I am not sorry! Although I'm still just a tiny bit bitter about that grade, (no, I will not mention what it was) I can honestly say that my little run completely changed my attitude. Yay, endorphins!


I create playlists according to the mood I'm in or even the mood I'd like to be in. I guess it just depends on where I'm at mentally and where I'd like to be when I'm finished listening to a song. I have playlists galore that go from chill/hang out music all the way to angry music. I love "mood-changing" playlists. For example, when I'm sad and want to be happy, or when I'm angry and would rather be feeling good about life. There are mixes that help me feel sad if I want to be sad for a moment, or help me get all my anger out. Chances are, if I'm mad at you, I'm screaming my head off to a wonderfully wholesome song entitled "I Hate Everything About You." That's always been a favorite mood song.

All joking aside for a moment, we must understand that music is truly a powerful tool. Of music, Boyd K. Packer said, "You can replace thoughts of temptation, anger, disappointment, or fear with better thoughts-with music."

On a bad day, you must choose your music wisely. It can help to strength, uplift, and edify, or it can tear you down. I like that my music is already in the right category for me. That way when a bad day comes along, I am already prepared. Just a suggestion.


Chuck Klosterman once said, "If someone breaks your heart, just punch them in the face. Oh sure, it seems obvious now, but you'd be amazed at how many people don't think of it when it's relevant. Seriously, just punch them in the face and go get some ice cream."

Ok- not all bad days have to do with getting your heart broken, but just go with me on this.

In all honesty, I must admit that I have next to no experience throwing a punch. I can think of two times when I have been really really close. Hahahaha. Although, I feel like a tough guy on the few times I've "almost" punched someone, I'm sure it would've felt really good to actually go through with it!

Punching just seems to be a thing to get it out of your system. Just don't punch a brick wall, that's just plain stupid.

Monday, January 24, 2011

note to self:

a basic list of things i constantly have to remind myself....
please keep in mind that although some of these things may seem simple to you,
there are those of us that are simple-minded and just can't keep up with all y'all.

don't set your favorite song as your alarm clock. it gets old reeeeeeal fast.

movies aren't real. try not to cry in every single one.

if you lie to yourself, you're lying to the only person that can fix your problems.

don't get on a bus if you don't know where it's going. (fyi- i'm not trying to speak figuratively here... literally, don't get on the bus!)

planning time wisely does not mean having a snack and potty break every five minutes.

be careful when praying for patience or humility. 'nuff said.

kindergartners get nap time during school, you are not in kindergarten no matter how much you wish you were. get over it.

don't say "hi" to the person sitting next to you on a plane or a train or a bus. you will get an ear-full of "what could have beens" and "what ifs" and a very motivational speech about where you're going in the future. get on the plane first, and either sleep or fake it.

avoid the crazy people.

eating a whole bag of chips in one sitting makes you feel gross. no, it won't be different "this time."

just because something is free isn't a good idea to take it- unless it's food.

don't let scary bus lady use your cell phone. again, pretend you're asleep.

it's never too late to enroll in institute. all the signs say so.

selfishness is NOT an attractive quality.

"table for one" is a lonely statement, even if you've been accused of multiple personality disorder.

don't stay up til 4:00 am when you have to get back up at 6:00. NO EXCEPTIONS! (unless you're watching prison break)

"all-nighters" were never a good idea. you will pay for it.

don't say your prayers in bed. you fall asleep EVERY TIME

Stay tuned...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Feel So Alive

Music reaches me in a way that nothing else can.

Every year since I can remember, I've always had a theme song of the year. It always takes some thought, preparation, and a good idea of what I'll be doing during that year of my life to choose the perfect song.

To be perfectly honest, 22 was definitely the hardest birthday for me so far. Does anything exciting happen when you turn 22?! I think a lot of it was that it was hard to give up the theme song for last year, "21 and Invincible" by Something Corporate. I felt like it really fit! I spent my last few minutes of being 21 listening to that song. As I sat there enjoying many memories from that last year of my life, I began to worry! Have you ever really wondered where you will be in a year from now? What will you be doing? What's next?

The early 20's is such a crucial time for almost everybody. There is so much that changes. So many decisions to make. How do I know which ones are right for me? Am I where I'm supposed to be?

So much deep contemplation made my brain hurt and before I knew it, I was no longer 21 and invincible... So I went to sleep. Or tried to, anyway. The next day, which was my 22nd birthday, I was on my way to school and I plugged my iPod in. It was right where it left off from the night before and a new song started. And that is how I got my theme song for year #22. This years song is "Feel So Alive" by Ashely Parker Angel. Here are some peeks as to what 22 has been for me so far...

Red lights flashing,
I keep driving through,
31st of December,
Photographs I never took of you.
Yeah, I start to remember,
The broken moments that I might have thrown away,
I don't care, I'll be okay.

Got no way of knowing exactly where I'm going,
But I feel so alive.
Everything is changing,
life is rearranging,

But I feel so alive.

So alive.

A payphone calling,
it's so hard to forget,

Can you forgive me?

Know I'll never be what you expect,

I'm not sorry.

For every moment that I'm making a mistake,

I bend, but I won't break.

Got no way of knowing exactly where I'm going,

But I feel so alive.

Everything is changing,
life is rearranging,

But I feel so alive.

'Cause I feel so far,
I'm halfway there,

Just over the edge and I won't be scared.

Everything is changing, life is rearranging, But I feel so alive. So alive.


I have found incredible new friends.


I have been in the right place at the right time.
I know I've made the right decisions.
I made it out of anatomy alive.
I have loved.
I have lost.
I have let go.
I have lived and
I am happy.

My life hasn't turned out the way I always pictured it. I never thought I'd be here. Now. I never planned to be where I am at in this moment. But I've never felt more alive than I do right now.