So... I have decided to make a list of things to do that may help turn a crappy day into a spectacular day. This will be the first of a series, because they will be longer than my other posts. I will share some facts to back each suggestion up, as well as a few personal experiences that will serve as a testimony to the matter. Although this is partially for my personal benefit, maybe at least one of you will find a way to turn that frown upside down, and my goal will have been accomplished!
A famous blond once legally said, "Exercising creates endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people don't shoot their husbands. They just don't!"
While I am not implying that you may be planning to shoot a husband, I want to focus on that "endorphins make you happy" part. I know I know- when one is having a bad day, the last thing on one's mind is to get up and run 20 miles. Bad days should be spent sitting on your lazy bottom, stuffing your face with food, and watching terribly depressing TV shows that you can somehow relate to your "pathetic life." Well, mope around no more my friends! It's time to get up and work out!
Personal Experience #1.
Ok- not all bad days have to do with getting your heart broken, but just go with me on this.
In all honesty, I must admit that I have next to no experience throwing a punch. I can think of two times when I have been really really close. Hahahaha. Although, I feel like a tough guy on the few times I've "almost" punched someone, I'm sure it would've felt really good to actually go through with it!
Punching just seems to be a thing to get it out of your system. Just don't punch a brick wall, that's just plain stupid.